Bio\Contacts. Documentary photographer, visual artist based in Germany

Tatsiana (Tanya) Tkachova born and grew up in Belarus. Currently based in Hamburg, Germany. The most important part of her professional activities is devoted to personal, long-term projects that are focused on the women’s rights, particularly the topics of gender violence, conflict and resistance. 

Documentary photography, for Tkachova, entails more than the representation of an outer reality and more as only a tool for telling stories. Her work draws on personal intimate experience and on journalistic approach to convey stories.

Tkachova graduated from Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts with a Degree in Cultural Studies (Minsk, 2014). She studied documentary photography at the Academy of documentary and art photography, Fotografika (St. Petersburg, Russia 2016) and at the International Class for Photojournalism and Documentary Photography at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hanover (Germany, 2022).

Tkachova teaches photojournalism at the Johannes Rau International Education Centre (Minsk, Belarus), The Belarusian Association of Journalists (Minsk, Belarus), and at the Academy of documentary and art photography, Fotografika (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Tkachova has been a winner of various international competitions. She is a recipient of World Press Photo 2020 and others. Tkachova works with Belarusian and foreign media, including Takie Dela, The Guardian, Republic, Novaya Gazeta. Europe, Der Spiegel, De Volkskrant,, Fotonostrum, etc.



Phone: +491628156732; +375292683108